Chiropractic Spartanburg SC Cross Chiropractic Logo

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At Cross Chiropractic, we address the cause of your pain, not just the symptom. We believe that education is a big part of your success. Call today!

Chiropractic Spartanburg SC Rounded Polygon Doc Image - Richard Tokar

Chiropractor Spartanburg SC

If you are in search of a chiropractor in Spartanburg SC, it makes sense to choose an experienced doctor you can trust. Our comprehensive approach at Cross Chiropractic in Spartanburg SC ensures that we give you the best opportunity to achieve health. No one should suffer constantly from pain stemming from preexisting conditions or injuries that never seem to heal. Chiropractic care can help patients dealing with a myriad of health problems find lasting relief.

Cross Chiropractic

Most healthy people do not realize that chiropractic care can even be beneficial for improving their immune system function and strengthening their vitality. Day-to-day life can be draining not just on the mind, but the immune system. By seeking wellness care at our clinic, minor adjustments can ensure your body stays running like a finely-tuned machine, ready to conquer every day’s challenges.

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Hear what our patients have to say! Our goal is top notch chiropractic care.


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Chiropractic Spartanburg SC Rounded Polygon Adjustment


Have you considered seeing a chiropractor? If your spinal joints don’t maintain necessary movement then discs and nerves can get pinched, herniated, bulged, and in some cases nerves can die. Lack of movement in the spine can even cause the growth of osteophytes on vertebrae. Osteophytes are boney spurs that grow as a response to decreased movement and can eventually cause the bones to fuse together. With chiropractic adjustments, you can give your body the best possible opportunity to prevent this or give your body the best chance to return to a healthy state.

Many of our patients explain a feeling of release following an adjustment. It is also common for our patients to report a significant decrease or disappearance of their headaches following an adjustment.


Adjustments are used to put your body back to its natural state. Because we are working with bones that are protecting your spinal cords and nerves, we are very skilled. The majority of our patients feel relief following their first adjustment and continuously improve with care. The proof is with our patients that have been in use for decades and generations.

Chiropractic Spartanburg SC History Of Chiropractic


Many individuals in Spartanburg SC believe chiropractic care can do little more than relieve pain in the neck and back regions. However, chiropractic was developed to treat a much wider range of conditions than just back or neck pain. In fact, the first spinal realignment performed by D.D. Palmer, the founder of chiropractic, aimed to restore the hearing function of a man who had been deaf. After an adjustment that relieved the inflammation of neural pathways in the man’s body, he could hear once again! After making miracles reality, D.D. Palmer sought to bring chiropractic’s healing properties to the masses.

Chiropractic Spartanburg SC Wellness Care


No one should suffer constantly from pain stemming from preexisting conditions or injuries that never seem to heal. Chiropractic care can help patients dealing with a myriad of health problems find lasting relief. Most healthy people do not realize that chiropractic care can even be beneficial for improving their immune system function and strengthening their vitality. Day-to-day life can be draining not just on the mind, but the immune system. By seeking wellness care at our clinic, minor adjustments can ensure your body stays running like a finely-tuned machine, ready to conquer every day’s challenges.

Chiropractic Spartanburg SC Training Of A Chiropractor


Patients regularly underestimate the amount of training and education chiropractors must undergo before fully allowed to practice. In fact, chiropractors have among the most rigorous coursework required in the medical field. The amount of schooling required is on par with that of physicians. Once chiropractic students make their way through the basic medical coursework in their undergraduate studies, they must be accepted and graduate from a 4-year chiropractic college. Throughout their four years at a highly-specialized chiropractic college, their knowledge is constantly being built and tested.

Chiropractic Spartanburg SC Conditions Treated


Sciatica, Back Pain, Neck Pain, Shoulder Pain, Hip/Leg Pain, Chronic Pain, Carpal Tunnel Treatment, Pinched Nerve, Muscle Spasms, Degenerative Desk Disease, Headaches, Migraines, Pregnancy Discomfort, Infertility, Arthritis Pain & Prevention, Auto Accidents, Workers' Comp, Accidents, Personal Injury, Whiplash, Spinal Decompression, Fibromyalgia, Preventative Care, and more!

Components of the Gonstead System

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What do our patients have to say?

"You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them. If you cannot make a change, change the way you have been thinking. You might find a new solution."

Maya Angelou

"While other professions are concerned with changing the environment to suit the weakened body, chiropractic is concerned with strengthening the body to suit the environment."

B.J. Palmer